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DSME aims to raise $10.8 billion in total orders this year
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Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Co. (DSME) said it aims to win $10.8 billion in total orders this year, saying the worst is over for the world’s second largest shipbuilder by revenue after it posted worst-ever deficit last year.

DSME Chief Executive Officer Jung Sung-Leep said Thursday that the company is targeting to win $6 billion in shipbuilding orders, $4 billion in offshore plant orders and $800 million in special ship orders. He added the company is working on nine offshore projects to complete them this year.

“The company incurred the worst-ever deficit last year after we failed to manage risks and losses from the offshore business, investment in new projects and subsidiaries,” said Jung, adding he doesn’t expect any further losses from them.

Jung expects Iran could provide the company a major breakthrough, citing that large Iranian shippers are said to be mulling shipbuilding orders after the lift of international economic sanctions.

By Yoo Jin-ho

[ⓒ Pulse by Maeil Business News Korea & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]