The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy will invest KRW 35.2 billion by 2029 in accelerating the green transition of the textile industry. (Ministry's official blog)
By Koh Hyunjeong
The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy will invest KRW 35.2 billion by 2029 to help the textile industry go green.
The ministry on Feb. 3 announced the launch of a project to develop the core technology for recycling polyester composite fibers, or F2F (fiber to fiber).
The idea is to advance technology to recycle such fibers, which comprise the largest portion of discarded textiles and clothes, for conversion into new textile materials.
A ministry source said, "We will also back the textile industry's efforts toward an eco-friendly environment by steadily promoting ongoing projects to develop chemical regenerative green textiles and technology to produce biomass vegan leather."
In 2019, 75 global companies including Nike and Zara pledged to use 100% eco-friendly textiles from 2030.