We hereby announce the new project funding plan for the 2022 Korean Studies Promotion Program.
January 28, 2022
Eun-hae YOO, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education
Byung-Woo AHN, President of the Academy of Korean Studies
1. Program Information
•Program Objectives
o Establish infrastructure for overseas Korean Studies research and education through the support of Global Korean Studies hubs.
o Create Korean Studies content based on domestic Korean Studies research achievements to meet overseas demand.
o Boost the capability of domestic and overseas Korean Studies through the support of research, translation, and dictionary compilation.
o trengthen the foundation of Korean Studies through the collection of fundamental Korean Studies materials and the establishment of related databases.
• Program Support Details
(Budget Unit: KRW million)
*Domestic – in Korea, Overseas – Outside Korea
2. Restrictions on Applications and Participation
• An individual may participate simultaneously in three or fewer projects supported by the Korean Ministry of Education research grants. However, an individual may serve as project director for only two projects. (In the case of participation in more than one project, overlapping payment of labor expenses is strictly prohibited.)
o However, the following are not to be counted: 1) projects which end within six months from the application deadline, and 2) certain specially designated projects (as listed in the Korean Application Guidelines).
• Persons who are under research sanctions as of the application deadline may be restricted from applying.
*For details regarding restrictions on application and participation, please refer to the Application Guidelines.
3. Application Method and Documents to Be Submitted
• Application Method
o Online via the KSPS Project Management System (http://ksps-pms.aks.ac.kr)
• Documents to Be Submitted
o One copy of research proposal, etc.
o For details of the research proposal and other documents to be submitted, please refer to the application guidelines.
4. Application Period and Contact Information